Conversación con Precariada

Conversación con @precariada en La Sala de Arte Joven de la Comunidad de Madrid, en el contexto de la exposición « Easy Apply! Una generación de Slashers y Early Burnout » Partiendo de sus ilustrativas viñetas hablaremos de precariedad, caminos sin asfaltar, gigs encadenados en la generación milennial y mucho más.

Sonata 0100100011

Sonata Nº10000101001 es un álbum sonoro, que interviene en las distintas obras audiovisuales de la sala. Incidiendo así en la interrupción, la publicidad, los virus, las imágenes SPAM encontradas en Internet, y cómo afectan estos los espacios de concentración y de productividad, Itxaso Navarro se plantea cómo estos contenidos digitales, memes y residuos de la

TBA21 Claudia Comte, After Nature

We think we know what the Ocean is, how it looks like, even how it feels. But, actually, we only know the surface or the images that were made for our eyes. How does a turtle perceive a coral? Or a whale? Or is a star fish really a fish? And the corals? Are they aware of their own colours? Claudia Comte has invested years in understanding forms, but also, the contexts that made these forms possible.

Screening: Distancia

Screening: DISTANCIA is a collaboration between the collectives Ensayos and Se habla español. The program entails the projection of DISTANCIA, an ethno fictional web series set in Tierra del Fuego, Chile and a subsequent conversation that will address questions related to ethical bio-cultural practices, political ecology, and the issues in representing the landscape.

Aliens Beyond Paradise

Publication Date / Fecha de publicación:September 2019Edited by / Editado por:Christopher Rey Pérez Languages / Lenguas: English/Spanish  ISBN: 978-1-7327086-6-2 Contributors / Contribuyentes: Aravind Adyanthaya, Andrés Monzón-Aguirre, Ramiro Chaves & MANIMAS, Colectivo SHE, Nicole Delgado, Amara Abdal Figueroa, Lucía Hinojosa Gaxiola, Diego Gerard, Amanda Hernández, Mauricio Marcin, Jason Mena, Andrés Paniagua, Iberia Pérez, Mariana Rodríguez, Luis Othoniel Rosa,

Female Migrations

Dates / Fechas:Wednesdays July 10, 31,August 7 & 14, 2019 Place / Lugar:La Nacional – Spanish Benevolent Society239 W 14th St New York,NY 10011Artists / Artistas:Karina Aguilera SkvirskyAmanda GutiérrezEsperanza MayobreSimone Couto Curators / Comisarios:Se habla español (SHE) Female Migrations is a program curated by Se habla español (SHE) that invites four Latin American artists who address

La poética entre abstracción y figuración. Arte español en los años 50 y 60

This exhibition includes works by various artists who, according to the history of traditional art, have been labelled under the canon of the categories of abstract and figurative art, and under the label of the “Realistas de Madrid” group and the “El Paso” group. Today they all form part of Spanish art history, in which they shared a certain social and political context, that of the post-war period and Spain’s isolation from the international environment. In this exhibition, as on few previous occasions, these artists and their works are shown in dialogue, and with proposals that occupy a graduation between the most experimental and avant-garde and the considered traditional art. Despite the apparent distance between them, common points and influences can be seen, which go beyond technique and concept, as they are united by true ties of friendship and even family.

The Doors of Perception

The Doors of Perception focuses on the visionary nature of art commonly known as outsider art, art brut, or self-taught art. The exhibition presents a large constellation of works made by exceptionally gifted artists from five continents, offering a panorama of art created on the margins of society.

As Benvidas, The Welcomes, Las bienvenidas

“The Welcomes” is an exhibition curated by James D. Fernández and Luis Argeo (authors of the book Invisible Immigrants: Spaniards in the US 1868-1945), who have spent almost ten years digitizing the family archives of descendants of Spaniards who emigrated to the US. In counterpoint with “The Goodbyes”, which highlights the sweet sorrow of partings, “The Welcomes” documents and celebrates the bitter joys of arrivals.

Desert X 2019

Desert X is produced by the desert biennial, a 501(c)3 charitable organization, conceived to produce recurring international contemporary art exhibitions that activate desert locations through site-specific installations by acclaimed international artists.

Performance As Repair

Letters, words, and sentences are used to build social contracts–tacit agreements that shape power relations on the public sphere. Language is not build in consensus, it is forged and configured by power, and more importantly, applied by it in the form of laws, discourses, and political statements. Performance as Repair, a program organized by Se habla español, explored the practice of two Latin American artists – Gina Goico and Iván Sikic. Both artists have researched language in combination with performance, as a way to address the broken social contracts in search of restoring agency, foster healing, and mending the social fabric.

Breaking and Unveiling the Immigration Glossary of Severalty

Breaking and unveiling the immigration glossary of severalty was a participatory workshop organized by Se habla español. Severalty, a term commonly used to describe the separation of private property, is also used to indicate the condition of separation or distinction from one another. For the workshop SHE investigated the nature of immigrant identity and the language surrounding it in the context of U.S. contemporary culture and media by proposing a glossary of terms that many times entail exclusion.

Sex and the So-Called City

The Office for Political Innovation discusses the 20th anniversary of New York’s most influential archisocial manifesto: Sex and the City. This non-stop, ten-week summit stages the most relevant people, places, and processes that played a role in New York’s cultural shift of the last two decades.

Bring The World Into The World

THE PANORAMA HANDBOOK is inspired by The Panorama of the City of New York—a 9,335 sq. ft. scale model of the metropolis in the Queens Museum. Commissioned by New York City’s controversial “master builder” Robert Moses (1888-1981) for the 1964/65 New York World’s Fair, the Panorama has been on permanent display in the museum since it opened doors in 1972. Over time, it has inspired various temporary exhibits and installations, most notably, Bringing the World into the World (June 15 – October 12, 2014), whose unique showcase of fifteen international artists, celebrated the Panorama’s 50th anniversary.*

The Map Is Not The Territory

The Map Is Not the Territory examines the construction of representation through socially and lawfully imposed, arbitrary boundaries. The aim is to interrogate discrepancies between reality and belief in response to the current ubiquitous use of non-sequiturs in the public arena. Conceived at the dawn of an unprecedented, divisive presidency, the exhibition upholds the spirit of resistance against misrepresentation and commandeering of identities in our history and contemporary culture.

Ext. 27 Kit Caníbal

Kit Caníbal Sesiones de debate [Discussion Sessions: Cannibal Kit] are weekly meetings that are open to any person interested in exposing their process and projects to dialogue with others. This initiative arises from the shared concern to create new spaces for conversation, from which to generate collective thinking and creation mechanisms adapted to the needs of the participants. It is proposed as a space for constructive reflection and criticism, where we can talk about how to generate and develop projects, and where we can nurture ourselves from the experience of the other.