Aliens Beyond Paradise

Publication Date / Fecha de publicación:September 2019Edited by / Editado por:Christopher Rey Pérez Languages / Lenguas: English/Spanish  ISBN: 978-1-7327086-6-2 Contributors / Contribuyentes: Aravind Adyanthaya, Andrés Monzón-Aguirre, Ramiro Chaves & MANIMAS, Colectivo SHE, Nicole Delgado, Amara Abdal Figueroa, Lucía Hinojosa Gaxiola, Diego Gerard, Amanda Hernández, Mauricio Marcin, Jason Mena, Andrés Paniagua, Iberia Pérez, Mariana Rodríguez, Luis Othoniel Rosa,

Bring The World Into The World

THE PANORAMA HANDBOOK is inspired by The Panorama of the City of New York—a 9,335 sq. ft. scale model of the metropolis in the Queens Museum. Commissioned by New York City’s controversial “master builder” Robert Moses (1888-1981) for the 1964/65 New York World’s Fair, the Panorama has been on permanent display in the museum since it opened doors in 1972. Over time, it has inspired various temporary exhibits and installations, most notably, Bringing the World into the World (June 15 – October 12, 2014), whose unique showcase of fifteen international artists, celebrated the Panorama’s 50th anniversary.*

Ext. 27 Kit Caníbal

Kit Caníbal Sesiones de debate [Discussion Sessions: Cannibal Kit] are weekly meetings that are open to any person interested in exposing their process and projects to dialogue with others. This initiative arises from the shared concern to create new spaces for conversation, from which to generate collective thinking and creation mechanisms adapted to the needs of the participants. It is proposed as a space for constructive reflection and criticism, where we can talk about how to generate and develop projects, and where we can nurture ourselves from the experience of the other.